Old tractor and farmhouse, Old Farm, Skomer...
Wick Basin and North Haven, Skomer Island, June...
Footpath above Tom's House and North...
South Haven and Dale Princess, Skomer Island,...
Dead porpoise at South Haven, Skomer Island...
Various landscape views of Skomer Island c.1987
Rib leaving Martin's Haven, June 1987
Game of cricket at Old Farm, Skomer Island,...
View of Volunteer Block, Old Farm, Skomer...
Volunteer assistant wardens, Skomer Island,...
Cricket match versus Caldey, Augustust 1987 ...
Working on landing steps at North Haven, Skomer...
Bistort digging at South Pond, summer 1988
Vegetation mapping at Skomer Head, Skomer...
Boat at entrance to the Lantern cave, Skomer...
Helicopter at the Old Farm, Skomer Island,...
Seabirds at South Haven and The Wick, Skomer...
Old farmhouse from the East, Skomer Island,...
Various sea views, Skomer Island, September.1988
Middle Island (Middleholm) September 1988
A Rose Breasted Grosbeak September/October 1988
Grassholm Island, 1988
Various views of Skomer Island, 1988
Chalet interior, Skomer Island, September 1988
Anna Sutcliff being lifted into RAF Rescue...
Aerial photographs of Skomer and Middle Island,...
Volunteer kitchen, Skomer Island, 1989
Skomer vole, Skomer Island, Augustust 1989
A Pintail at North Pond, Skomer Island 1989
Spring cleaing on Skomer Island, March 1989