Vole catching, Skomer Island, Augustust 1989
The Skomer Island tractor, Augustust 1989
The Dale Sailing barbecue, Skomer Island,...
Volunteer Assistant Wardens at rest, Skomer Island
Bracken pulling, Skomer Island, 1989
A cricket match on Caldey Island, 1989
Tractor maintenance, Skomer Island, July 1989
Calves Park, Skomer Island, Augustust 1989
The Old Farm, Skomer Island, Augustust 1989
Construction and maintenance work at the Old...
An aerial photograph of Skomer Island, June 1987
Jim Poole and Steve Sutcliffe around Skomer...
A lighthouse, possibly near Grassholm, c.1988.
Aerial photographs of Skomer Island 1987/88
Landscape image of Skomer Island
Black headed Bunting, Skomer Island, 1988
Manx Shearwater, Skomer Island, Spring 1989
Accomodation block, Skomer Island, Summer 1989
Building work, Skomer Island, 13/14th Augustust...
Volunteers leaving Martin's Haven, 1989
The Balmoral off Skomer Island, June 1988
North Haven slopes, Skomer Island, August 1990
Aerial Views of Skomer Island, July 1990
Aerial view of Skokholm Island, July 1990
Views of the centre of Skomer Island, July 1990
Aerial Images of Skomer Island and surrounding...
South Haven, Skomer Island, July 1990
General views of Skomer Island, July 1990
Helicopter deliveries to Skomer Island, 15-18...
North Haven, Skomer Island August 1990