Calvanistic Methodist Certificate of Merit
Photo: Photo:Workers at Anglo-Celtic Watch Co...
Photo: Sally Evans, Eileen Evans, Netta Thomas ...
Photo: Mair Jones (Williams), Netta Thomas &...
Photo:Corgi Hosiery Factory, 1950s
Interview, Margaret Young. Voices from the...
Magazine: article about Yvonne and friends in...
Photo: Yvonne and girls in factory
Photo: /Christmas party 1993
Document: wages statement Yvonne Bradley.
Photo:Yvonne Bradley at work
Interview, Yvonne Bradley. Voices from the...
Photo:Workers of Vandervell Products, Cardiff
Interview, Eirlys Lewis. Voices from the...
Mrs Gibbon in the Mettoys Factory, 1970s
Interview, Joan Gibbon. Voices from the Factory...
Photo: Patricia White's friend, Jackie, at...
Interview interview part two, Patricia Prudence...
Interview interview part one, Patricia Prudence...
Glesni Davies & Phil Rowlands Pont Llanio
Phil Rowlands Pont Llanio
Head of the lab and the deck boys, Pont Llanio
Debbie Edwards & Marian Gregson, Pont Llanio
Pont Llanio Creamery Christmas dinner in Gwesty...
Alf Gregson Pont Llanio
Mair Richards & Marian Gregson
Mair Richards & Glesni Davies
Dai Evans Pont Llanio