Natasha de Chroustchoff: 'Goodwick Moor&...
Biodiversity in the area: Ironworks, Neath...
Biodiversity in the area: Managed Grassland,...
Biodiversity in the area: Fungi, Neath Abbey...
Biodiversity in the area: Trees, Neath Abbey...
Biodiversity in the area: General, Neath Abbey...
Biodiversity in the area: Birds, Neath Abbey...
Biodiversity in the area: Non-Flowering Plants,...
Ladies Bedstraw in the Urban Meadow, National...
The Urban Meadow Interpretation panel, National...
Ducks the Urban Meadow, National Museum Cardiff
Long-winged Conehead on the Urban Meadow,...
Soldier beetle on the Urban Meadow, National...
Thick-legged flower beetle on the Urban Meadow,...
Cinnamon bug on the Urban Meadow, National...
Honey bee on the Urban Meadow, National Museum...
Common blue butterfly on the Urban Meadow,...
Essex skipper butterfly on the Urban Meadow,...
Burnet companion moth on the Urban Meadow,...
Yellow Rattle in the Urban Meadow, National...
Wild Carrot in the Urban Meadow, National...
Ragged Robin in the Urban Meadow, National...
Pale Willowherb in the Urban Meadow, National...
Field Scabious in the Urban Meadow, National...
Meadow Vetchling in the Urban Meadow, National...
Spotted Medick in the Urban Meadow, National...
Black Medick in the Urban Meadow, National...
Black Knapweed in the Urban Meadow, National...
Summer meadow flowers, National Museum Cardiff
Meadow flowers at the National Botanic Gardens...