Cleaning oil off a Pembrokeshire Beach after...
Cleaning oil off a Pembrokeshire beach...
Sucking up oil to dispose following the 1996...
Cleaning up oil after the Sea Empress oil spill
Cleaning up oil after the 1996 Sea Empress oil...
Cleaning oil off a cobbled beach in...
Washing crude oil off a Pembrokeshire beach...
Cleaning oil up from a Pembrokeshire beach...
Cleaning crude oil off a Pembrokeshire beach...
Retrieving crude oil from a Pembrokeshire beach...
Investigating the extent of oil on a...
Cleaning crude oil of a beach following the...
Crude oil filling rock pools at West Angle Bay...
Rock pools full of crude oil at West Angle Bay
Crude oil coming in with the tide on a...
Crude oil washing into a rock pool following...
Crude oil filling rock pool at West Angle bay...
Deluging oil off beach cobbles in Pembrokeshire...
Aerial view of the Sea Empress tanker leaking oil
Aerial photograph of Pembrokeshire coast...
Aerial photograph of oil on the sea following...
Aerial photograph of oil on a Pembrokeshire...
Aerial photograph of oil slick off the coast of...
Heavy machinery used to clean oil of a...
Using a digger to clear crude oil off a...
Digging trenches to collect crude oil on a...