Julian Lovell Abbey Cwmhir Heritage Trust and...
Julian Lovell Changes in the Village of...
Julian Lovell The Abbey at Abbeycwmhir
Diana Berriman:Farming at Devannor, Abbey Cwm-Hir
Diana Berriman and the history of Methodist...
Jake Berriman Describing the Listed Petrol Pump...
Jake Berriman: Bombing in and around the...
Jake Berriman: The Bwlch, the oldest building...
Jake Berriman Past Local Characters of Abbeycwmhir
Jake Berriman describing Devannor Farm and...
Jake Berriman: Devannor and Broadoak in...
Jake Berriman: Getting Married in Abbeycwmhir
Jake Berriman: Moving to Abbeycwmhir
Jake Berriman describing Cross Cottage in...
Jake Berriman describing the Night Walks of...
Jake Berriman The Millennium
Diana Berriman: The Millennium, Abbeycwmhir
Diana Berriman: The Millennium Wall Hangings,...
Diana Berriman: Travel in and around Abbeycwmhir
Diana Berriman: Moving to Devannor and Little...
Diana Berriman: Going to School in and around...
Diana Berriman: Playing Cricket at Devannor,...
Diana Berriman: Sunday Services at Devannor,...
Diana Berriman: Childhood at Devannor, Abbecwmhir
Ges Jones: Post War Forestry, Abbeycwmhir
Ges Jones: Forestry Activities, Abbeycwmhir
Ges Jones: Childhood, Abbeycwmhir
Ges Jones: School, Abbeycwmhir
Ges Jones:The Forester's House