Revd. Robert Vaughan Kensington
Revd. E. Harries, Merthyr
Sir J. E. Millais Bart. R.A
Revd. Francis Hiley, Llanwenarth
Revd. S. Bell late of Lancaster
Andrew Blair aet. 44
A. F. Lacroix missionary in Bengal
Poems of John Gay, with the author's life
Rev. T. Wood of Jewin Street, London
D. Charles Davies
Revd. Alfred Pope Leamington
Mr. Cooke
Revd. R. Redpath, M.A., London
The Revd. Wm. Jones of Nayland
Revd. J. Newland Edinburgh
Revd. James Reed Dr Vanderkempts Colleague
Sir Hans Sloane M.D
Edward V
Revd. Wm. Griffith, Holyhead
Revd. Alexander Hannay, Croydon
Admiral Edward Lord Hawke, K.B
M. G. Lewis
William Cowper Esq
Revd. Joseph Fletcher, A.M., Stepney
Revd. J. S. Bright Dorking, Surrey
James Montgomery
Samuel Clegg civil engineer
Revd. John Hallett, Norwich
Mr. Thos. Morgan, preacher of the gospel
J. Williams