William Somerset, 3rd Earl of Worcester
Idrison, 1831 William Owen Pughe, L.L.D. F.A.S
Mrs Opie
The Duchess of Beaufort
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
Revd. John Davies, Nantglyn, Denbighshire
Revd. W. P. Lyon, B.A., Stowmarket, (late of...
Mr. Wm. Martin Harvard, preacher of the gospel
Revd. William Harris L.L.D. resident and...
George Herbert
The Revd. John Owen Secretary to the Bible Society
John Brown
Sir Thomas Picton, G.C.B
Rev. Thomas Price
His Royal Highness Prince Frederick William of...
Sir. Thos. Middleton
Robert Owen
John Woodwark London
Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria
Revd Raffles
Sir Isaac Newton
Revd. John Griffith, Carnarvon
The Champions of Constitutional Reform
Rev. D. Chandler
Revd. John Evans
Joseph Edlius
Robert Blake General and Admiral of the...
T. Banks, sculptor