Revd. Chas. Gutzlaff missionary to China in the...
Revd. John Campbell D.D London
Revd. Thomas Boaz Missionary, Calcutta
William Knibb
Revd. Wm. Milne D.D., late missionary to the...
Revd. William Mortin, missionary Calcutta
Rev. George Hall, B.A. Madras, India
Mr Thomas Osborne Missionary in Ceylon
U. Larsing
Revd. James Scott missionary, Demerara
Revd. Emd. Crisp, missionary to Madras
Robert Morrison, D.D. 1782-1834
Revd. J. J. Freeman Walthamstow (late of...
Revd. A. Buzacott Missionary - Rarotonga
Revd. Henry Townley London
Hugh Roberts Cenhadwr o Lerpwl
Revd. Barnabas Shaw Mifsionary South Africa
Revd. Wm. B. Fox Methodist missionary in Ceylon
Revd. James Kennedy, M.A., Benares, India
Revd. George Gogerly, missionary to Calcutta
Revd. W. G. Barrett mifsionary - Jamaica
Thomas Phillips
Thomas Jerman Jones and his family
El Cary missionary in Palestine
T. Phillips
Revd. Samuel Dyer