Skomer Island Archive
Date joined: 02/02/23
Skomer Island (Welsh: Ynys Sgomer) is an island off the coast of Pembrokeshire, West Wales. It is well known for its wildlife: over half the world's population of Manx Shearwater nest on the island, the Atlantic puffin colony is the largest in southern Britain, and the Skomer vole (a subspecies of the bank vole) is unique to the island, which is now a national nature reserve and is managed by the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales.
In addition to the natural history, Skomer has a rich social history with people having inhabited the island since prehistoric times, farming and contributing to island life for millennia.
The Skomer Island Archive celebrates the relationship of people with the island for over a century, from the Victorian farming families to the staff and volunteers who continue to care for and protect the island today. These photographs, manuscripts, documents and other items were digitised and catalogued by volunteers in the island's library, with the original material having since been relocated to the safety of Pembrokeshire Archives in Haverfordwest.
Despite various attempts to identify the copyright holder of these items, the Friends of Skokholm and Skomer recognise that many of these records continue to be 'oprhan works'. Should you have any further information about the ownership of an item, please get in touch via the link below.
Website: https://www.friendsofskokholmandskomer.org/ (Opens in a new window)