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So it looks like we'll be WFH for a good few months yet. This has made me rethink the whole thing. I can't 'camp out' in the dining room any more. I can't keep using my phone ear buds for 6 hours a day. I can't just use scraps of paper which are now piled up like snowdrifts everywhere. The bag in the corner with work files and my ID badge is going nowhere in a hurry.

 I've bought a picnic table and am now officially sharing the office with my husband who has worked from home for more than 10 years. I have another screen. I've invested in a pair of comfortable headphones with a proper mic. I've bought a couple of notebooks with dividers, like I have in my office. The files and badge are in a cupboard. I am a week into my new office environment.

And it has been good. I feel calmer, now I know that this is how it is. The sense of 'emergency' has dropped away.  When fluid and ever changing is the norm, you have to adapt. Interestingly, I have shifted more off my 'to do' list in the past five days than in any other week since lockdown - even moving on to a couple of things that were 'nice to haves'.

I do still feel disconnected from the wider team, but the contact with my closer colleagues  is good. I'm enjoying the channel on Teams for random chit chat which is good for laughs and sharing news.

Yes, the world, the sector, the health situation is still precarious and worrying, but maybe this is moving into the 'acceptance' stage?  

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