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My dearest Lillie
Thanks very much for the vest and the kindness in mending it. I am sending you another if you would be good enough to do the same to it. The belt is most comfortable. I am sure it will be a blessing to me. I wish I had worn them long ago. If there is enough wool I should like another; they do stretch and the first one is plenty large enough, they ruckle up in the wearing and I should prefer it to fit close to the body. It was kind of Aunt G to furnish the wool and I am very grateful to her. We had a delightful Spring morning today, the bushes are quite green in the garden here. When addressing don’t put Private as under a new regulation all letters should go to the Battalion and any sent here so addressed may be left at the P.See post office. Very soon, I may have to give you that address, but that will be in good time.

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