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The 'Minecraft Your Museum' Competition 2020 invited 6-11 year old learners to use their imaginations to build their dream museum in Minecraft. This competition was launched by Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales during the COVID-19 lockdown period, to encourage creativity and digital skills while pupils were learning at home.

This is museum was created by Zoe Murfin in Year 5. Great work Zoe!

Zoe's museum description: In the beginning I removed some of the mountains and covered up some of the water with grass to make things look more natural and easier to build on. I wanted to build a big museum because I wanted lots of space to build interesting things. I used quartz because I like the colour and it looks elegant. I used end rods as a light source because I think they looked great with the quartz. Parts of it were ideas from my imagination and parts of it were from looking at the museums in Wales online. I also took some ideas from the museum in Animal Crossing because I liked the layout. I liked putting real things in the museum because it would give people an idea of what it was like in the past. I liked the idea of doing some beautiful art in the art gallery upstairs because museums are not just about fossils. I enjoyed creating my own art sculptures. Downstairs then I have ancient artefacts, bones, fossils, ancient coins and a huge statue of a dinosaur ribs and a small cinema, a map room, and a café. The cinema shows films about evolution. The map room shows where you are, the whole museum and the area around it. I made a cave to represent a disused coal mine with a rail track which you can use. Upstairs I have the art gallery which includes sculptures and paintings. The café has a menu of things to eat. I tried to make everything bilingual. I chose slates as signs to show what everything is as they are easier to edit and you have more space on them.

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