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nor did I hold out any inducement to him in any
other way - he said he did not know what their
intentions were but they were very angry towards
me - he had heard many speak of me and he
supposed it was for taking Vincent - that he never
would have made the bullets had it not been for
the situation of his Wife and the fear of being
obliged to go with them - I saw the Prisoner
on the morning of the 4th about 10 o' Clock - at Mr
Homfrays Stable yard - he had then a Pistol in
his hand which I saw him take out of his pocket
- I now produce the same pistol - It has the
appearance of being a new one - He endeavoured
to prevent my taking it from him - he said
it had been given him to repair - he did not say
by whom
________________W W Homan

Henry Crowe States I am Special Constable
at Tredegar Iron Works - I know the Prisoner - I
saw him on Monday the 4th November - I said
nothing to him to induce him to make any
confession to me - I asked him what could
possess him to make bullets at such a time, he
said that he had been at the Lodge and that
they had in consideration of his Wife's illness let him
free going with them if he would stay at home -
& make some bullets for them which he did as he
was in hopes of getting a few shillings for the benefit of
his family - He also said he did not think he was
doing wrong in making them that he had made
some & should make some more - that he thought it was
a profitable trade - He did not say where they

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