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go down to Newport I heard next morning that they came there

I was in bed and slept. I heard no disturbance that night in
the Neighbourhood before or after I went to bed there was no one
forced to go to Newport from my immediate Neighbourhood
the night to the best of my knowledge - I did not see my
brother afterwards until I came down here, he and I were
in a state of great alarm when he left my Mothers House on
Sunday Night he lives about 1/2 a mile from my mothers
House. I got up about 8 o'Clock on Monday Morning, I
had a peaceable Night I did hear no bother I heard
in the Morning by a woman that I saw in the morning
that she saw him in the morning about 8 o'Clock, the
woman's name is Mrs Bolton I work at the Varteg , I live
nearer the Varteg than my Brother, I did not work on
Monday, I had no direct personal communication with my
Brother on Monday, I heard he was at home and in
bed at 6 o'Clock on Monday Morning, Mrs Bolton was
the person who spoke to me of my Brother being at home at
8 o'Clock Another person who lives in the House, afterwards
told me, he was in bed at 6 o'Clock on Monday Morning

on Sunday Night when my Brother left me he had on
the same dress that he has on now,
The mark of

Peter Britton.

Samuel Morgan Sworn - States - I live in
Victoria Square in the Town of Newport I am a Shoemaker
I saw the Prisoner first on the Square, he came to my
House to tea, we went to have a pint of ale at Mr Williams
the Brewery, he slept with me last Monday Night to
the best of my knowledge it was 4 o' Clock when I saw
him first in Town on Monday he breakfasted with me
last Tuesday Morning after Breakfast we came out into
the Square. We came to see the dead bodies. We saw a
young Man come in the front of the Westgate Inn. He

60 [encircled]

Newport Public Reference Libraries

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