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Emily Horne Sworn - States: I live at the King's Head at Newport
I know the Prisoner at the Bar Samuel Etheridge I was in Newport
on Monday the 4th. november in the morning. I saw the Prisoner that
morning saw him opposite the King's Head Inn he was passing - I
saw him come down towards the Westgate, a little below Mr Napper's
& return again it was then about 9 o'Clock - I heard firing at that time
I saw some person cross the Road opposite Mr William Brewer's and shake
hands with him, he appeared in very good spirits - they were both of them
laughing - I know where the Prisoner lives - I should say it was rather
more than half a mile from the Town - he returned back almost immediately
after I saw him go in the direction of the Westgate I was at that time
standing at the Window next to Mr. Thomas Jones Phillips at the King
_________________________Emily A. Horne.

John O'Dwyer Sworn States I live at Newport I was in Newport
on Monday the 4th November I remember seeing a large body of men
coming down Stow Hill about 9 in the morning - I know the Prisoner
at the Bar, I saw him that Morning at Mr Lloyd's Shop immediately
opposite the end of Stow Hill at that time the head of the Mob had
reached the end of the Catholic Chapel on Stow Hill or very near it,
I did not see the Prisoner afterwards I immediately came over to the
Westgate Inn When I saw him he was walking slowly past Mr
Lloyd's Shop towards Corn Street - I pointed him out at the same time
to Mr. O'Reilly who was walking with me he had no weapon
in his hand or I should have observed it - the Mob wheeled
round by the corner of the Westgate and formed in front of the
Inn a portion of them parted from the others and rushed into the
Westgate Inn at the Door - the firing immediately commenced - When
this took place the Prisoner could not have been 300 yards from the
place - I first saw him - I saw nine dead men that morning he was
walking he did not appear to be loitering -the Catholic Chapel is perhaps
300 yards from the Westgate Inn - it adjoins the back part of more
than 150 yards from the place I saw him when the Mob wheeled
round the Corner.
__________________________John O'Dwyer.

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