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The Examination of

William Davies of Blackwood in
the parish of Bedweltye Son of and
living with his father Roger
Davies of Blackwood aforesaid
Shopkeeper States
I have ben a member of the
Chartist Lodge held at Pughs
Coach & Horses since May
but I did not attend regularly I paid
what I pleased Mr Barwell was
Sec[retar]y & Pugh was Treasurer
On Monday 20th last I attended
a Meeting at Pughs there were
present as well as I can
remember many persons
the Sec[retar]y was there Frances Codrington
of Pentlwyn was there, there was a dispute between
him & Barwell about their irregular
attendance Nothing was done or said
Tuesday as I recollect hearing
but I have heard that Z Williams

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was at one of the upper Lodges I did
not see him till Wednesday Evening

I had been going out there was to be a meeting
I went to Pughs in the little
parlor in the front part of the house
There were Z Williams, William Jones
I don't think Barwell was there in the Room that
I recollect but he came in the House
& the House was very full We had been
waiting a long time for Williams & Jones
It was near 9 Oclock when they came
& I did not stop long after and went
home. Nothing particular took place excepting
the organisation & their visiting other Lodges
Thursday I went to Newport and whilst
there I called at Mr Hawkins Ironmonger
to look at some Pistols but did not
buy any I did not get back from
Newport till 11 and after I stopped and
supped at their Lodge I called
at Pughs as I was going home
I was in Newport I has missed Frost
who was gone to Blackwood I had
called at Frosts in Newport that day
When I called at Pughs that night
I left my Pheaton at the door and went into
the House Frost was there. Z Williams
was there Jones, Barwell. I am
not certain I heard there had been a

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Meeting that Evening they told me so Nothing
further than a general conversation took
place that night I did not stop long
Friday Morn[in]g I was at home but
went to Pugh's a little before their
dinner time about 12 I had heard
there was to be a meeting there I then
came down there were John Frost: W[illia]m
Jones: Reynolds (was Chairman)
Zephaniah Williams, Morris Owen
(he had lived in Blackwood formerly
and came from the Hills) Phillips
of Pontypool & a man from Wainluggan
who lived at the Crispin they came in
late I should know many of them
again by sight The Lodges the
parties were delegates from
were Dowlais: Rhymney. Twyn
Star (q[er]y Dukes Town) Dukes Town.
Sirhowy Ebbw Vale Blaina
Wainluggan - Llanelleth, Crumlin
Pontypool near Cross penmain Fleur de lis Victoria
there was a man an Englishman
who opened the meeting with prayer
he was like a Forrest man I think from
what I had heard that he had been
the means of making some disturbance
at the British Iron Works & left in
consequence he came from the
British Iron Works There are in my

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neighbourhood the following Lodges Blackwood.. Greyhound Fleur de
luce: Maesycwmr Argoed Gelligros; Cross penmain
We were about 30 Men at the delegate meeting
the first thing that was agreed that each delegate
report should be given as to the number
of men How many armed with Guns. How
with the Pikes and whether some more
could be depended upon who were not
armed. Each delegate made his Report
I think they made about 5000 armed Men
Jones of Pontypool took down the numbers
It was agreed that all persons from that time
were to get all their men together armed
with Guns Pikes & Sticks but all to be
armed & to meet in the most convenient
place in their neighbourhood,
most of the Hill Men to join Z Williams & were to be at
Risca about 12 Oclock and then they were
to be governed by circumstances but obey
the orders of the Leaders. I had before heard
of the captain of 10 men which began by collecting
money for Vincent & others defence. It was
understood that they were to be under
orders to march in Military order
The meeting broke up between 4 and 5 & I
went home. there was one delegate from
Bradford there who
On Saturday I went
to Newport to meet my father at
Pillgwenlly There happened
that there was 10£ in money

[Ovewritten vertically in large letters across the top of the page:-:]
William Davies

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