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Page 1:
John Trew Farmer of the Parish of Aberysthwith

in the County of Monmouth states

I know John Owen he is a Blacksmith and works in

the said Parish - I recollect Thursday the 31st October last last

I went into his shop and saw him at work - he was making

some curious kind of Iron Instrument I asked him what

they were he said they were teeth for a Harrow I said they

were curious kind of Harrow teeth and that I never saw

such before - he said the reason they were made that way

was in consequence of the wood being rotten -

That I had an Instrument made by my direction which

I had marked and which as near as I can recollect resembles

those which I saw John Owen making on Thursday the 31st

of October last and which John Owen said were teeth for Harrows-

[with vertical emphasis
marks l. margin lines 6-10, 13-14]

Page 2:
No Arms -
Arms for ... -
No evidence that the Prisoner knew that these Arms were
used for unlawful purposes -
"He said he made them for Mr Hopkins - " Stay nails - never saw -
... charged with conspiring with the Chartists -
He made 53 Pikes

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