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Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-] 28
after and then I did leave her here and I went home myself
that is all I got to say. I did not come down by Stricklands
along that road as the old man say, he never see me before
I have nothing more to say. I went home and worked till
I was catched Sir.
[centre right:-] the mark x of
[centre right:-] Benjamin Richards

Esther Evans. I am a widow and live at Tredegar Iron Works. I know the
Prisoner Benjamin Richards he is a Boot and Shoe maker. I have been living at
his House about five months. I remember Sunday the 3rd November. I was in
Benjamin Richards House the whole of that day. About 1/2 past 6 o'clock there
were several persons in the House with the Prisoner, they were heating Iron
in the fire, they had sticks about the length and size of mop Sticks
upon the ends of which they fixed Iron spikes. I knew Lewis Rees who
is cousin to Benjamin Richards, William Williams a Shoemaker commonly
called Will Wyllt, William Jenkins who is also a Shoemaker and Thomas
called Thomas of Shergwm. They all went out of the House
together, taking with them the Sticks and Pikes. Benjamin Richards
carried with him two Sticks and Pikes fixed on the ends of them.
They said they were going to attend a Chartist Lodge at
Dukes Town.
[cenre bottom margin:-]6

Page 2:
The Queen
Benjamin Richards
Deposition of Witnesses

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