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"An oral history interview with Roma Taylor in Cardiff, discussing her experience of growing up within a family which migrated from the Caribbean during the 1950s. “All these chimneys, they’re like factories.”
Roma Taylor was born in December 1943 in Antigua, Caribbean. She has fond memories of her childhood in Antigua.

“Growing up in Antigua I was living by the beach, so I was in the water every morning before I go to school, my grandmother always told me off… she said ‘you’re going to have salt in your hair’.”
“When I was 15, my mum wrote to my dad and asked him if he could send me over to Britain…”
Towards the late 50s, in October, Roma arrived in London aged 15 to live with her mother and brother in Cardiff.
“I kept asking her ‘Have you got trees? Have you got a beach?… Beaches like ours?’ and she said ‘no, not like ours’, they’re not as good as ours but they are nice’.”
“As a child, I wanted to get married and I wanted to have lots of children, and I wanted to be a nurse and I did. I was a nurse, I did get married and I had seven children, so I fulfilled that dream.”
“I was in the Army for 25 years, and that was just after I had the twins. I enjoyed the Army life, it was great, territorial, but it was great.. I must have been 26 when I joined…”
“I feel Welsh, all the time. This little Cardiff has done so much for me, and I thank God, because I’ve enjoyed my life in Wales. You find ups and downs in life, but Wales, I love my Cardiff…never wanted to live anywhere else.”
“Whoever sees this story, it’s good for our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren…”

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