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In December 2000, the Ystradgynlais and District Cancer Research Committee received a special certificate of appreciation for having collected over £200,000 since the group was founded in 1960. In 1992 they had already received a Silver Certificate for having raised £100,000.The first photograph, from 2000, shows: front row, left to right, Mrs Pamela Davies (Chairperson), Mrs Mari Glyn Jones (Treasurer and founder member), and Ms Linda Strange, Cancer Research Campaign Community Fund-raiser for South Wales; back row, left to right, Mrs Edwina Davies (Vice-Chair), Mrs Elsie Powell (Assistant Treasurer) and Mrs Bella Mills (Secretary). The award was presented at a Christmas dinner held at the Palleg Golf Club. The group had raised money not only from regular house-to-house collections, placing collecting boxes in local shops and other centres, and selling Christmas cards, but also from a wide range of social activities. Over the years, these included musical events involving members of local choirs, exhibitions of work by local artists, whist drives, cookery demonstrations, fashion shows, coffee mornings, and illustrated talks. The other items shown here are press cuttings and photographs about some of these activities. Press cutting [not shown] from West Glamorgan Chronicle, 23 March 1984, about a coffee morning with an illustrated talk on Welsh pottery given by Mr T. J. Davies. The photograph shows, left to right, Mr T. J. Davies, Mrs Pauline Jones (Chair of Ystradgynlais Cancer Research Campaign Committee), Councillor and Mrs Ben Davies (Mayor and Mayoress of Brecknock Borough Council), and Mrs Mari Glyn Jones (Treasurer of Ystradgynlais Cancer Research Campaign Committee). Photograph of coffee morning at the Canolfan, Ystradgynlais, in September 1985, when work by local artist Mr Henry Mills was displayed. Included in the photograph are Mr and Mrs Mills, Mrs Pauline Jones and Mrs Mari Glyn Jones. Photograph taken in 1991 when the Ystradgynlais and District Soroptimists presented a cheque for £410 to the local Cancer Research Committee. Photograph of St David’s Day celebration at the Canolfan in 1992. Included in the picture are Mrs Mari Glyn Jones (far left), Mrs Pamela Davies (centre), Dr W. Boladz, and Mrs Pauline Jones (far right).Newspaper cutting about the Silver Award in 1993. Two more photographs of members of the committee with this award, taken in the Gorsedd Gardens in Ystradgynlais. In the first of these. The certificate is held by Mrs Pam Davies (chairperson); behind her are Mrs Bella Mills (Secretary), Mrs Pauline Jones (previous chairperson), Mrs Mari Glyn Jones (Treasurer) and Mrs Glenys Watkins (local appeals secretary).

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