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The South Wales Borderers fielded seven battalions (about 3,500-4,500 men) during the opening stages of the Somme offensive on the Western Front in July 1917. On the 16th and 17th July, the 1st Battalion - part of the 3rd Brigade - was at Bazentin Le Petit Wood, near Mametz Wood. The battalion made significant gains, suffering only light casualties - 4 killed and 10 wounded.

These messages are from General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3rd Brigade to Commanding Officer 1st Battalion South Wales Borderers and read as follows:

'Message timed at 0122 hrs 16th July 1916
1st Div wire reads following from 3rd Corps Commander which please convey to all ranks begins aaa well done 3rd Brigade and artillery supporting them aaa. Ends.'

'Message timed at 0122 hrs 16th July 1916
1st Div wire reads following from 3rd Corps Commander which please convey to all ranks begins aaa well done 3rd Brigade and artillery supporting them aaa. Ends.'

'Message timed at 445 hrs 17th July 1916
GOC 1st Div desires to express to all concerned in last nights operations arty [artillery] and infy [infantry] alike his appreciation of their splendid effort as the result of which the whole situation on the 3rd Corps front has been materially altered for the better aaa He feels sure that they will carry through further operations with the same precision and dash as they exhibited last night Ends.'

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