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A programme of events to mark the occasion of the official opening of Glamorgan Constabulary Traffic Department and Driving School buildings on 25th July 1963.
The Glamorgan Constabulary (later to become the South Wales Constabulary) operated a nationally respected Police Driving School. Instruction was provided in the techniques of police driving at Standard, Intermediate and Advanced levels. As well as courses to instruct its own officers, those from other Welsh forces came to Bridgend to attend residential driving courses.
Over several decades, courses were additionally provided for organisations such as the Ambulance Service, Fire Service and at times, the military. The building as seen in the photograph housed the Driving School classrooms, the administration offices as well as personal accommodation for those officers attending courses.
Until recent times, all of the Instructors were serving police officers. Although driving instruction is still provided, it is now on a very much reduced and smaller scale.
Programme owned by retired policeman Mr Ronald Richardson. For many years, Ron was a highly respected driving instructor stationed at the police driving school. Thanks also to his son Steve for providing scan copies of the programme.
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