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Letter from Maria das Dores Florinal to her sister, in which she tells that she has arrived, had a good journey, and the reason she has not written to her is that she has not stopped since. D. Matilde came to pick her up so she would spend some time with her. She tells that she misses Uine, and sends regards to D. Suzana and brother Felipe, a hug to all boys, mother and grandmother. She shares that she has made a black cashmere coat, and that she is very happy. She asks her sister to tell D. Delfina that she misses her, and to tell her that she has visisted D. Francisca. After stating that she cannot write more because it is 10 PM, she remembers that Quinote has been dispatched and is in Porto Alegre.
Cangussu 16 of November of 1867

Dear sister

I am going to make use of the bearer to give you news from me that arrived here with happy journey and I have not written to you because I have not stopped since I arrived to D. Matildes came to get me to spend a few days with her at last the saudades they had of me were so much that I have not satisfied all parts here I have had many saudades of you and Uine that I can never forget I can imagine how she is so beautiful, you will make me very recommended to D. Suzana and the brother Felipe and a hug in ... in every boy and accept the same from mommy and granny and everyone in this house of yours I am very happy I have made a coat of black cashmere I can only remember our walks give saudades to D. Delfina and to our own and tell her that I have made a visit to D. Francisca that she asked me I cannot be too extended because it is ten hours of the night goodbye it stays for another occasion, I almost forgot to tell you that Quinote came dispatched he is in Porto Alegre and we are very happy

I am as you know your sister that wishes to see you
[signature]Maria das Dores Florinal

Mister T. B. Felips to deliver to D. Maria Jannaria

Cangussu 16 de Novembro de 1867

Prezada Irman

Vou a proveitar o portador para dar-te noticias minhas que a qui cheguei com feliz viagem e nao te tenho escripto porque nao para do desde que cheguei a D. Matildes veio me buscar para pascar uns dias com ella em fim as saudades que tinhao de mim hera tanta que ainda nao contentei as partes todas eu a qui tenho tido muitas saudades tuas e da Uine que nao me pode nunca esque cer eu faco a idea como ella nao esta ra tao bonita, me faras muito reco mendado a D. Suzana e o mano Felipe e um abraco na Sui em todos os me ninos e o mesmo a ceita da mamaie a vovo e todos desta tua caza eu estou muito contente ja fiz um cazaco de gazimira prerta so me lembro dos noscos pasceios da saudades a D. Delfina e as nossas e diz a ella que eu ja fui fazer a vezita a D. Francisca que ella me pedio nao te posco ser muito estenco porque ja sao dez horas da noute a deos fica para outra ocaziao muito ja me hia es quecendo de contar te que o Guinote veio despachado esta em Porto Alegre e nos estamos muito contente

Sou como tu sabes tua Irman que ver-te dezeja
[signature] Maria das DoresFlorinal

Senhor T. B. Felips
para entregar a D. Maria Jannaria

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