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Letter from Maria das Dores Florinal to Thomaz B. Phillips, in which she shares that she is happy that he has been so busy, because it means his business is going well. She says she is sewing trousers for the elections that are on the following day, and that she is going on a horse ride with Quinote the same day, in the house of Mr. Marcellino Correia. She jokingly says that she has news that Januaria will not like, and those are that the portrait of her brother-in-law has been very coveted. She sends regards to Januaria, D. Suzana and the children.


Cangussu 30 of January of 1869
My dear brother

I have received your praiseworthy letter and I cherish very much to see how you have so much occupation, it is a sign that your business is going well for that is my desire today I cannot be very long I am finishing some pairs of trousers for the elections tomorrow is the first day so I am sorry and it is not only the sewing but also I am going tomorrow for a horse ride with Quinote in the house of Mr. Marcellino Correia, I have to give you news that Januaria will not be very pleased about that your portrait has been very coveted and I am very happy to have such a handsome
brother-in-law accept saudades from Quinote and the whole family and the same for Januaria and Dona Suzana and the children you receive a heart full of saudades from this sister of yours, thank you very much

Let me know if you receive this
[signature]Maria das Dores Florinal
[stamp] Maria das Dores
Illusttrious Mister Thomaz B, Phillips, Rio Grande


Cangussu 30 de Janeiro de 1869
Meu prezado Irmao

Recebi a sua apreciavel carta e muito estimei por ver que vocemesse tem tanta ocu pacao he sinal que lhe vai bem o seu negocio pois hesse he o meu dezejo eu hoje nao lhe posso ser muito ins teco estou acabando uns pares de cal ca que he para as eleicoes a manha he o primeiro dia e assim desculp[e] me e nao so a custura como tambem vou a menha dar um passeio acavallo com o Quineto em caza do Senhor Marcellino Correia, tenho a dar lhe uma noticia que a Januaria nao ha de ficar muito satisfeita que seu retra to tem sido muito galiado ou e que fi co muito fasseira por ter um cunha do tao bonito a certo saudades do Quinote a toda a familia e o mesmo para a Januaria e a Dona Suzana e as creancas vocemesse receba hum coracao cheio de sauda des desta sua Irma muito obrigada

Mando-me dizer se rece
[signature]Maria das Dores Florinal ber esta
[stamp] Maria das Dores
Illustrissimo Senhor Thomaz B, Phillips Rio Grande

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