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Letter from Llewelyn Phillips to his grandmother, 22 October 1874. Llewelyn apologises for not replying sooner, saying he has been busy. He says that he continues with his service, which he likes a lot, and that he receives ten tostoes per day, unless there is no service. He states that Harthur worked there for one month, and earned 5 tostoes per day, but got sick. Llewelyn states that his father has not finished the house, that Thomas is leaving at the end of the month, and that he is going to work at the foundry. His mother says that Miss Folly had a girl and that she could not visit because she moved, and they do not know where to. Llewelyn states that the children are in good health, and wishes the same to his grandmother. He sends regards on behalf of his mother and siblings. A final note reads that Olivia and (?) want to know when she will be back.

Rio Grande 22 of October of 1874

My dear granny, You must have found the delay in me not writing strange but it has not been lack of will it has been lack of time. I Inform you that I continue with my service and I like it very much and I am earning ten tostoes per day, except when there is no service and Harthur also worked 1 month but was ill and earned five tostoes per day and my father is still not finished with the house and he already has… and Thomas is leaving at the end of the month and he is going to work at the foundry and my Mother wishes to tell you that Miss folly had a girl and that she has not visisted because she moved and he does not know where she lives and all the children are with health and I wish the same to You.

Remembrances from My Mom and siblings
PB and olivia and Ue want to know and oblige when you are back

[signature]Llewelyn Phillips


Rio Grande 22 de Outubro de 1874

Minha querida vo Vocemece e de ter estra nhado a demora de eu nao ter lhe escrito mais nao tem sido falta de vontade tem sido falta de tempo. Participo lhe que vou continuando com o meu sirvico e gosto muito e estou ganhando des tusties por dia so quan do nao ha sirvico e o harthur tambem
trabalhou 1 mez mais ficou doente e ganhava cinco tustoes por dia e meu pae ainda nao a cabou a caza e elle ja tem caxeiro e o Thomaz vai deixar no fim do mez e ele vai trabalhar na fundicao e a minha Mae manda-lhe dizer que Mess folly teve uma Menina e que nao foi vizitar porque se mudou e elle nao sabe aonde mora e as criancas todas estao com saude e lhe dezejo o mesmo a Vocemece.

Lembrancas de Minha Mae e meus irmaos
Sou seu Netto

PB e a olivia e a Ue quer saber e o obbidiente quando Vocemece volta

[signature]Llewelyn Phillips

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