Tynewydd Colliery Disaster 1877 ‘Rescued and...
Tregaron Floods 1987
Repair party, Dolgellau Flood 1903
Afon Dulas and the old 'bont ddu'...
Afon Dulas and footbridge, Ceinws / Esgairgeiliog
Afon Dulas, Evans Bridge Cottage, Ceinws /...
Afon Dulas, Ceinws / Esgairgeiliog
Aber Glesyrch, Ceinws / Esgairgeiliog
Afon Dulas, Era Quarry Mill, Ceinws /...
Flooding along Terrace Road, Aberystwyth, June...
Flooding of the River Neath in the 80`s
The flood that washed the River Neath bank away
River Dulas in flood under footbridge
Flooding in Aberystwyth, date unkown
Floods in Monmouth, 1910
Clydach School Flood Damage, 1910
Funeral of the Victims of the Clydach Vale...
Adams Street, Clydach Vale, Showing the Damage...
Blaenclydach Flood, Wern Street, 1910
Flooding in Monmouth