Programme for a Harp Concert featuring Parti...
'The Ceredigion Folk Tales' - Peter...
Interview with Sioned Huws, independent dance...
Holocaust Memorial Day 2006
John Anthony Jones, Rhydyfen, Arenig, playing...
An old harp in the Marquis Inn, Rhosybol,...
Harp player at the Monmouthshire Eisteddfod in...
John Richards Triple Harp
John Richards Harp
'Blind Parry'
MyW Residential Weekend 2004
Master Hughes and his brothers Master John A....
John Jones (Idris Fychan)
Masters Joseph & David Hughes performing a...
John Thomas
Jane Evans
The Welsh Bard
Master Hughes the infant Cambrian harpist
Griffith Owen
Master Hughes 5 years of age
Welsh Identity, Symbols and the National...
John Roberts, harpist, of Newtown
Frances Môn Jones (1919-2000)
The Gorsedd in the Gaiman, about 1910, between...