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Notes on CANDLESTON CASTLE, Merthyr Mawr, Glamorgan 2009

I visited Candleston Castle and maze-like sand dunes of Merthyr Mawr (otherwise known, justifiably as ‘The Warren’) in 2003. Back then it was a crumbling ruin all but lost in the summer overgrowth and I did not bother making any exposures. It appears now that it has been consolidated as a ruin – it stands adjacent to the car park for the sand dunes and as, throughout the years, been an easy target for vandals.

It is a small 14th century fortified domestic castle/manor house with a castellated wall surrounding the house - the wall is struggling against the encroachment of foliage and is all but hidden in the summer months. There is a large stone 14th century fireplace openly on view on the first floor and there was once a 13th century tower but there is no obvious evidence of this now.

My first visit in 2003 was mixed. Vandals had built fires against the walls, grafitti was sprayed on its walls and it had become a small dumping ground. However, Candleston sits in a spectacular setting (although much of its land is now covered in sand) and in the winter, whilst the trees are barren, a good view can be had from a 100 foot high sand dunes that towers beside it.

Candleston Castle 2009

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