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"On the 8th May 2018 our family visited New Quay and headed out to sea on a Dolphin Survey Boat Trip. It was a very misty morning and we were resigned to not being able to spot anything. We rounded the headland and could hear all the noise from the bird colonies and were able to spot some razorbills, guillemots and kittiwakes. Shortly after the skipper decided to stop the boat and use the hydrophone to try and locate some bottlenose dolphins as visibility was low. All of a sudden we could hear echolocation clicks and whistles made by dolphins! Less than a few minutes later at least four dolphins popped up right next to the boat. We could even see then swimming just under the surface of the water and one dolphin was very active, splashing and lunging out of the water. The mist cleared slightly and we were able to take some photos. One of the best boat trips I have been on despite the mist!"

Description of photos: 1) Two bottlenose dolphins, taken from aboard a boat, whilst on a trip with Dolphin Survey Boat Trips. 2) One bottlenose dolphin, taken from aboard a boat, whilst on a trip with Dolphin Survey Boat Trips.

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