Skokholm Archives
Date joined: 07/02/15
The Friends of Skokholm and Skomer are a group of people who are enthusiastic and passionate about the Islands. We have some 440 members from all over Britain and a few from abroad . Mostly we are people who have visited the Islands and want to keep in touch with what is happening.
We support the Islands mainly through donations and volunteering. We organise work-parties, usually in the spring and autumn to maintain and repair the buildings, hides or anything else that needs doing.
The photographs here have been uploaded by volunteers from the Friends in the hope that anyone who knows more about them than we do will share their knowledge. If you know more about the photograph than we do then please do send the information to use so we can add to (or correct) our descriptions.
Website: http://www.friendsofskokholmandskomer.org/ (Opens in a new window)