Uisce Dŵr Water - illustrations (2022)
Illustration of drinking party, with poem
Maesteg Town Hall (1906)
Torpillage du Falaba (1915)
William II. surnamed Rufus
Don Lowys de Requescens Groot Comandor van...
William II surnamed Rufus
Admiral Sir Edmund Lyons Commander of the...
Breuddwyd Bunyan
William, I. surnamed the Conqueror
William III
Captain Cook OB. 1779
Sr. William Temple
K. Henry VII
Henricus V Rex Ang
Henry VII
Sr. Richard Steele
George Frideric Handel
Oliver Cromwell
William Harvey M.D
I. Chilcott P.M the Toast-Master, Beaufort ...
Charles Lord Talbot Lord High Chancellor
William of Wickham Bishop of Winchester
Charles II
Ann Thomas "y ferch o Gefn Ydfa" ;...
King Henry VII
Prince Charles Edward, grandson of James II, &...
Benjamin Disraeli
Albert Durer
Abraham Ortelius