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How does a Church function without a building?
This was the dilemma faced by Corporation Road Presbyterian Church, when it was confirmed that the large Victorian edifice on the corner of Eton Road had to be demolished in the early 1960s.
One solution was to meet in each others' homes so that members of the church would not disband. The advent of House Groups meant that all the congregation could participate in worship and discussion, albeit at different times and in different venues.
Together the Minister and elders carefully planned the content of each meeting with several of the elders becoming “leaders” of the various groups.
This is the front cover of one of the material presented at Housegroups.
Meetings were held on each of the week-nights, members were free to attend whichever one they found most convenient and, as the same format and content was followed by each of the leaders, it did not matter if one “mixed and matched” the group one attended each month.
The meetings always opened with prayer at 7.30 p.m. followed by a Bible reading,study and discussion with a closing prayer at 9.00 p.m. after which tea and biscuits were served.
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