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By the 1980s the Rev. Cyril Summers had joined together with another Presbyterian minster and one from the United Reformed Church to form a Team Ministry. This had an impact on all the churches in their pastorates, as they enjoyed monthly worship sessions and celebrated Christian festivals together.

In addition to these joint services came the re-introduction of House Groups, but this time with a cross-section of the membership from the different churches.

Meeting in one another's homes, as had been the practice twenty years previously, and studying together such texts as ”Please God ….” really helped to “break the ice” and people soon felt comfortable enough to share their innermost thoughts and different religious perspectives. Also, it was through these House Groups that some life-long friendships were forged with people from the other churches who, in all probability, would never have got to know one another otherwise.

These are examples of the material which was discussed during these meetings. Once a month, a new chapter was studied and members discussed a different topic.

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