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The balance sheet and accounts of the Llanelli Hebrew Congregation for the period 8 January to 31 December 1940. The information provided includes: a list of members' and non members' contributions (by name), receipts (including marriage and burial fees), payments made (such as rent, insurance and electricity) and cash on deposit. The accounts refer to the Llanelli synagogue's Treasurer, E. P. Levi and are verified by H. Cohen in an auditor's report at the end of the document.
Members of the Llanelli Hebrew Congregation initially held services for the High Holy Days in the early 1900s at private residences. A purpose-built synagogue was established in 1909 on Queen Victoria Street. Through the 1920s, the community had around 300 members, but the number fell rapidly in the 1930s and never recovered. When the congregation merged with Swansea Hebrew Congregation in the 1980s, membership was down to 20.
'The History of the Jewish Diaspora in Wales' by Cai Parry-Jones (;
JCR-UK/JewishGen (
Depository: West Glamorgan Archives.
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