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Photographed by John Thomas.
Sarah Edith Wynne (1842-97), singer, was born at Holywell, Flintshire. She began singing at an early age and at the age of 14 she moved to Liverpool where she received music lessons. She made her first appearance as a soprano at a concert in London in June 1862; she performed at two other concerts in the city the following month, and also at the National Eisteddfod held at Caernarfon later that year. Between 1863-5 she toured with Madame Patey, Santley and Edward Lloyd and in 1864 she took the part of lady Mortimer in a production of Shakespeare's 'Henry IV' at Drury Lane Theatre. In 1867 she gave a memorable performace at the Carmarthen National Eisteddfod when she sang whilst sheltering from the rain under an umbrella. She was also forced to endure hooting from the crowd who were far more eager to hear Llew Llwyfo! She travelled to the United States of America in 1871 and took part in musical courses held in Italy. She continued performing until the early 1890s.
Welsh Biography Online, National Library of Wales
Eryl Wyn Rowlands
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