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Edward Price was one of the first emigrants who sailed to Patagonia aboard the 'Mimosa' in 1865. He was 16 years old at the time and was accompanied by his parents and sister. His parents, Edward and Martha Price, decided to move to Patagones. On his departure, his father attempted to come to an agreement with the governing council regarding the debt for his family's passage to Patagonia. Unable to make the repayment, the father claimed that the Settlement owed him money for work he had done since his arrival. However, this appeal proved unsuccessful and he was forced to leave his son, Edward, as security.

In this letter, Edward Price explains that he recently received a letter asking him to repay the family's debt, and that he had no choice but to comply. He is now writing to Michael D. Jones to inform him that, unless he is reimbursed, the matter will be taken to court.

At the end of the letter, Price adds that the Settlement enjoyed an exceptional wheat harvest last year. He took some of the wheat to Buenos Aires and it was regarded as the best that had ever been seen in the market.

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