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Jean McKay was born in London in 1922 though sadly her mother died when she was a young girl. Jean passed her 11+ exam and attended Grammar School in London and then entered employment in the Home Office shortly before the outbreak of WW2. Travelling and working in London during the Blitz of 1940/41 was perilous and Jean and her colleagues personally handed reports on the previous nights’ bombing to the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. Seeking even more excitement Jean, volunteered for service in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), joining the Meteorological Office, where she met her future husband, H.H. McKay who happened to be the Officer in Charge of her Flight. They married in 1943 and eventually had three children. Her husband was decorated for his part in the Met Office contribution to the planning of D-Day, and he continued to work for the Met Office throughout his career including postings Gibraltar, Germany and to Aberporth. They both fell in love with the West Wales area and decided to retire to Aberporth in 1984. Sadly, Jean passed away on July 11th, 2021 at the age of 99 years.

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