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Transcription: My dearest Lillie
I have written to Lucy so you will hear through her. Writing is difficult and will be more so when we go back to the trenches. The Batt. is at present resting. There are some things I shall require at a later date. I had better give you a list as it will be preferable to get them at intervals. My huge muffler is at West Kensington. They will send it to you, but I have no need of it for a while, it will help pack things in securely. The articles at times are: cake of Wright’s coal tar, 100 box of Gold Flake, towel, butterscotch (Callards) or plain cakes of chocolate, Cadburys Mexican you get in tins of six cakes I think, khaki or coloured handkerchiefs and woollen socks. I shall think of other things later if you will get them down on a list, you can keep it by you for reference when I let you know.
We are in the midst of it all. They shelled a village close by yesterday, the villagers who still live in the zone had to run for it, it did seem strange to find them there. The same morning I saw a German Taube under fire, it was quite a good sight, as the shells burst in the air. The flashes at night and cannonading is really wondrous if it wasn’t all so very dreadful. I wish you would let Ethel know that I have gone out and anybody you can think of. I cannot possibly do it and she was very kind when I visited her. If they will write sometimes, better still, letters are a Godsend, all news is good. I did not know I was impressing Martin, I was really off colour that day.
God with you and fondest love for all
Your loving brother
Hope Aunt G will write too. I think of all.
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