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My dearest Lucy
It is about time I got a short letter off to you, but truth to say “ I have been much at it since I returned”. The no man’s land is full of colour now with red poppies, the blue of the cornflower and the variegated yellow blossoms of the commoner y (?) species which abound in plentitude. The whole indeed is a pretty sight, but after all is it not June? My servant was badly smashed the other day. The poor fellow would have been well out of the trenches an hour later. The roses must be blooming with you now scenting all the air with their sweet perfume. Has Jim had luck with the gun? I haven’t the heart for shooting the little beggars now. I have had three narrow shaves lately ( i) when hit in the back by a large piece of mortar (flat side),( ii) when a dud (very rare for this missile) rifle grenade fell at my side plumb in the trench and ( iii) when a wirer (?) hit a yard to my right. Having had these three perhaps I shall be not be quite so much for it for a while. The rest seems a long way off, it is always deferred. We are soon on the move and do not know how long it will be before I could continue, so shall get this scrap of news away in the post.
Hope you are all well
Fondest love
Ton frère aimant bien

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