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My dearest Lucy
Once again I am through after four terribly long days in the thick of it. When I slipped out into the night with the bombers on our last successful attack I thought it was the end, three times we had been repulsed, but in this attempt the Hun fled. The Corps Commander’s praise is sufficient “Well done – Division especially – Brigade” … our Brigade, mark you! For another two days we sat under a continuous hellish shell fire expecting the worse any minute. We lost nine officers, two killed and a large roll of men.
I am writing from an advance bomb store which thanks to the Hun is relatively safe, altho’ we are shelled all the time. I have a good helmet for you, a pity I cannot carry all I see, there is such a lot to be had, such as helmets and saw bayonets etc. I will try and send you the helmet but I don’t know if it will reach you. The marching 4-5 days was pleasant, if tiring. The country we passed through quite delightful. There were two wet miserable days, our Band has a great boon.
Are you all well? Forgive me such a short letter, I am rather fatigued.
With fondest love for all
Your loving brother

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