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Zephaniah Williams
Analysis of Witnesses agt.Z Williams -
1 Service of 2nd. List of Witnesses -
2 Attended Sevl meetings at Williams house - was ordered by Williams to attend one
on the Mountain on the 3rd. armed / he / said we were going to Newport
3 Was present at the meeting with the Delegates the week before the riots organising the plans / for the Riots
4. Saw Williams at Welsh Oak telling the mob to get on
5. Attended Chartist meetings at Williams House - Saw Williams go to Jones the / Watchmakers house the day before the riots.
6. To meeting at Williams House - that he told them to come around to
the Mountain. Saw men with pikes by Williams House on Sunday
7 Asked Williams what the woman wd do for /victuals/ till the men came back - He gave / him a Chartist card for my husband -
8 Was at Williams house on Sunday 3.rd Novr w-h was full of men saw him / rolling up Cartridges in a Paper
9. Saw Williams come thro' the park & spoke to him -
10 Saw Williams with the Mob at Welsh Oak who spoke to Witness
11. To meeting at Williams House on \S\ Sunday & his telling them to come armed to the / Mountain - Receiving a Chartist card from him.
12. Attended meetings at Prisoners house & the Mountain - Prisoner lent him / a sovereign to buy a Gun -
13 Attended a meeting on the 31 Octr Prisoner told them to prepare & organize/ themselves =
14 To the same as the last witness.
16. Prisoner & a Mob came to his House Sunday Night
17. That Frost prisoner and Jones attended meetings at Blackwood before the Riots
18. This Witness does not attend -
19 Attended meeting at Prisoners House on Sunday - he stated they must be at Newport / by 2 o' Clock.
20. Speaks of a meeting at the back of Prisoners house the middle of Octr.
21. Saw Prisoner come in with the mob to Newport
22. To his attending meeting at his House (Coach & Horses ) the week before the riots -
23. To the same effects
24 To the meeting at the Royal Oak & the Mountain - Prisoner / ordered them to bring bread & cheese with them
25 Saw ^ /sevl./mens armed in Prisoners House on ye Sunday - Saw the
Chartists pay money to Prisoner w.h was put down in a in a Book -
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Newport Public Reference Libraries
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Analysis of Witnesses [against] Z Williams
Zephaniah Williams
26. Service of copy Indictment. Jury List & 1st. List of Witnesses
27. Attend-g Chartist meeting at Prisoners house - attended a meeting at the Mountain / when a Stranger spoke - Prisoner translated what he said into Welsh.
28. Service of 3rd. List of Witnesses -
29. Apprehended Prisoner at Cardiff
30. Attended meetings at his house - at the Mountain - accompanied the mob / & the Prisoner down to Newport - This Witness has absconded -
31. Supplied a Tram & horse at Prisoners request to /go to /Newport
32. Took the Tram Road.
33. Attended meeting at Prisoners house who told them to come to / the Mountain and he wd. supply Arms.
35. As to Meetings -
36 Generally as to the Chartist proceedings
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Part 2
William Jones
Analysis of Witnesses against Wm Jones.
1. Service of 2nd. List -
2. Speaks to Prisoner addressing a Meet-g at Sirhowy - saw him on the Monday morning / about 11 on the Newport road with an armed body of men -
3 Speaks to sevl. meetings at the Coach and Horses with the Delegates the week before / the riots arranging the plans for the attack upon Newport
4 Saw Prisoner at the Navigation Inn ye. Sunday Evening - he asked Witness if he was / armed & that they sd. have a flag on the Church at Newport before 10 next even-g -
5. Apprehended Prisoner.
6 Attended meeting at Prisoners house a - saw Prisoner at Abersychan / who told the people they cd. have arms at the race-course - saw Prisoner af-wds / arranging a body of armed men -
7 Service of copy indictment Jury list and 1st List of Witnesses.
8 The Officer commanding at the Westgate -
9 The Police Officer who searched Prisoner & found papers upon him - Speaks as to / the attack upon the Westgate -
12 Was present when Frost & Prisoner attended meetings at Blackwood & Dukes Town said they / must have the Charter by force & recomend. the Mob to arm
13. Was passed by the Mob - Prisoner took an active part in conducting the march -
14. Saw Frost ^ / Z Williams / & Prisoner Sevl. days at Blackwood previous to the riots - heard that they / held meetings
15 To the same effect.
17. Passed by the Mob - Prisoner appeared to be the Leader of that party -
18 A member of a Chartist Lodge at John Llewellyns house prisoner was
19 Attended a ^ / large/ meeting back of Z Williams House - Prisoner spoke very violently
20 An armed mob came to his mothers House Sunday night - prisoner was the Leader / they took a Gun from the House.
21 Passed by mob Prisoner desired mob to bring him along - / he / directed the / mob.
22. That
23. That Z Williams & Prisoner slept at his House Thursday & on the next / day attended the Meeting of the Delegates -
24 To the same effect
26 Service of 3rd. List of Witnesses
27 Servant at Coach & Horses speaks to prisoner Frost & Williams being there -
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Newport Public Reference Libraries
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Analysis of Witnesses against William Jones
William Jones
28. Attended a meeting on 30th Octr prisoner spoke
29. Apprehended Prisoner
30 Prisoner & Z Williams attended / & spoke at / a Lodge at Witness' House Wednesday Evening
32. Saw Prisoner at his House 2d Novr he said the Chartists were going to Newport
to shew their strength
Z Williams & Jones &
[?] D[ef]ts
Analysis of Witnesses
Copied JR
Analysis of Witnesses agt. John Partridge -
1 Posted a Bill for the apprehension of Frost & others near the
Prisoners House
2 Saw Prisoner between 8 & 9 o' Clock the morn-g of the riots going /in the direction/ the Chartists came -
3 Saw Prisoner at the Ship & Pilot at 7 o-Clock the morning of the Riots
he was cursing & said " there wd. be such work done in Newport that day as
never was before &c" -
4 Heard Prisoner /at 8 o' Clock on the same mor-g/ tell Charles Evans that he wod. meet him / in 25 minutes at the Waterloo - this is the direct road from the /Collieries.
5. That Frost & Walters came to Prisoners House on the Sunday Even-g
Walters went to bed - both had refreshments.
6. That hand bills for the apprehension of Frost & o-s were printed &
posted before 5 o' Clock.
7 Saw the Prisoner at the top of Charles St pursuing the Chartists, & when
asked when the Chartists wd. be here sd they will be x
8 Apprehended Prisoner at his House ^/ for harbouring /Frost & Walters
9 Corroborates last witness -
x here presently.
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