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I saw candidly, some of the men that came down with us from Pontaberbig
had lights with them, there was lights in the Tram I did not leave the
Tram or come out of the Tram from Pontaberbig until I came to the House
which I have described which I believe is called Welsh Oak - I have been
at Risca, this house was near Risca, it is this side of the village of Risca -
We arrived at the Welsh Oak about 3 or 4 o'Clock, it must have been some
where thereabouts for we had been on the Road all night and it was
day light when we left there, the prisoner was there, he came along he
kept keeping the Gang on all the time - I did not see the prisoner in the
House - I saw a chaise there, the Chaise stood in the Corner of the Tram
Road going up the Old Road, they then came along the Tram
Road all the way - I saw the prisoner put an extra Ball into his pistol
which was given him by a man who had a mandrell, the Ball was too
large, and saw him cut it with a knife which he took out of his pocket
and then I saw him put the Ball into his pistol and then he said here
is two for them however it was a pistol with the stock nearly as long as
the Barrel - it was an old fashioned pistol - the Barrel was 10 or 12 inches
long I suppose the man that had the mandrel on his back and
had the horn in his pocket gave him the Ball - I heard the horn blown
or at least hooted several times, it was to call the people together - we
went thro' a park - I believe it was Sir Charles Morgan's Park - I did
not see them stop any time in the park - they would not go, they said they
would not go on a little bit, they did not stop, they were bound to
go on, they did go on when they said they were bound to go on,
there was a halt made, there was Zephaniah Williams, a man with
a plain Coat, the man with the mandrel - I was behind them all - I dont
know a public House called Waterloo, I went on with them towards Newport,
up as far as Stow hill - The prisoner was then with the Gang leading them on,
that was the last place I saw him - I saw him going down with the Gang
opposite the Church or a little below - I was then with him I there saw a man
carried up that had been as I have been informed shot thro' the ankle I saw
blood coming from his ankle as he was carried along - The men were making their
retreat & said on their retreat "What have you brought us here to be slaughtered"
this was spoken to the prisoner, the prisoner said to them in answer, Go on, go on
dont be Cowards, then I made my retreat as fast as possible and that was the last time I
saw Zephaniah Williams the prisr. here present until I saw him here the evening I had heard no firing at that time

168 [encircled]
[Annotations in left margin:]
sent them
loading pistol

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