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Joseph Stockdale of the Parish of Aberystwith in the
said County of Monmouth Ostler on his oath saith
On Sunday evening last when it was getting dark on passing
Zephaniah Williams house I heard a great noise in it, I turned
into Williams house and went into the long Room, Williams asked
me if I wanted to sign my name to the Chartists, I said no, my
name is here already I think. Williams said if it is here already
you have no need to put it again, I asked him if there was any
money wanted he said no there is no money wanted from any
one, my reason for asking this question was because I understood
Chartists tickets were paid for Williams said they (the Chartists)
were to march up the hill as soon as it was dark and he
cautioned and directed me to meet them and take some sort of
Weapon with me and if I could not find one he would try to
furnish me with one. When I left Williams house I left George Lloyd
there. Williams directed the persons then present to meet at a certain
place on the hill as there were fourteen thousand people to be there
he also directed them to be prepared with weapons of some sort
Williams stood on a chair in the long Room and his hands placed
on another mans shoulders and was addressing the persons present
saying that those who had no weapons should if possible be
furnished with weapons by him (Zephania)
_________________________Joseph Stockdale

I Joseph Anthony am a Haulier live at Ty der, remember
monday the 4th of November; the day the Chartists came down to
Newport, got up between five & six O'clock that morning, for the
purpose of attending to my horses, immediately upon opening the
door, a great many men came in to the house, & I scolded them, &
they told me that thousands more were coming behind, I left them
in the house, and went into the stable to the horses, I had been
in the Stable about 20 minutes when some men with pike came into the
Stable & told me that I must along with them; I refused, when
they said "Old fellow you must come" They then collared me, dragged me out of the
Stable, and threw me over the hedge of the Garden into the Road where I
was laid hold of by some other men & compelled to go with them. There were


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