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James Dailey - I am a Serjeant in the 45th Regiment doing duty at Newport - I
was ordered by Captain Stack on Monday the 4th November 1839 at a little
after 8 o'clock to proceed with a consisting in all of two Serjeants
and 28 privates under the command of Lieutt Gray to the Town of Newport
where we halted in front of the Westgate Hotel we remained there a few
minutes when we were ordered to march to the rear of the Hotel where
we formed in the Court Yard and immediately shut the gate after us
Lieutenant Gray left the command of the party to me while the
Mayor and him consulted which would be the best position for the
party which was done in a few minutes he returned immediately
and ordered me to follow him which I did he took me into a
large room on the right of the Hotel and told me that the
party was to remain there until further instructions he immediately
marched the party in and formed them in a line in the room
mentioned and immediately closed the shutters so as we would not be
exposed to the Public there was only one window in the room which
had three projecting Bows [-] Lieutenant Gray left me in charge of the
window so as the Men would not open the shutters to expose them
to the view of the people - he ordered some of the men to clear
every thing out of the room except a large table that stood
in the centre - Lieutenant Gray was in the Act of giving the
men some necessary instruction when we heard Cheering the
Mayor came into the room and told Lieutenant Gray that there
was a very large mob approaching - they formed in front of the
Hotel and commenced firing in at the Windows, there was five
or six shots balls and slugs came into the room where our men
was stationed and demolished numbers of the squares that was in
the Window of our room - Lieutenant Gray immediately with a loud
voice gave Orders to load the - the Mayor Lieutt Gray and me immediately
pulled open the shutters - while we were doing this a number of the
Mob rushed against the front door and burst it open - as soon as the
window Shutters was thrown open and exposed us to their view they turned
the whole of their fire on us- I received 6 slugs in the head and the Mayor
got wounded in two places our men immediately commenced firing in every
direction thro' the window into the Street and also thro' the passage that led
to our room as a number of the Mob had entered the front door and


[ Newport Libraries embossed stamp]

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