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Job Tovey is a Collier has lived in the neighbourhood
of the Blackwood near 12 years - has lived in his
present residence at the Blackwood two years or
thereabouts - Was inrolled a Chartist
about 12 months ago - There was a large
Chartist Meeting atthe Blackwood on the Whitmonday
at which Frost & Jones attended & both
addressed the Meeting on the subject of the Charter-
Witness belonged to a lodge held at the Coach
& Horses - Witness attended a Chartist Meeting
at Dukes Town - Frost Jones Williams & Dr Price
Williams & Price took the Chair - He saw
Frost & Jones on the Hustings - Frost & Jones addressed
the Meeting on the subject of the Charter- About
a Month previous to the 3rd of November - There was
a large Meeting at the Coach & Horses which
Frost addressed from the front of the House - Frost
said he came there to give an account of his
conduct in the Convention , and asked if their Member
for the County Mr Williams had given an acc-t of his
conduct - He told them there would be an election
for the Co. of Monmouth at which he would
offer himself & asked the people to accompany
him there where they would have an election
in the old way of universal suffrage _ _ He asked

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[?*] to organize and [?]leaders there to look over the
conduct of every ten as was done in the time of Alfred -
He said by that means they would have a Chartist
House of Commons and that they were going to adopt
the same plan in the North of England & Scotland -
previous to his stating his intention to [?]propose himself
as a Candidate for Monmouthshire he relinquished
his delegateship, and he was reappointed
On Monday[Sunday] the 27 Octr he attended a lodge at
the Coach & Horses - On t[T]hursday the 31 Oct
he saw Williams & Jones at the Coach &
Horses - On f[F]riday the 1 Nov about 1 o' Clock
he went to the Coach & Horses where he saw
a great number of people who were coming
there - They appeared to go up to the Lodge
Room He saw Frost go up stairs and
also Williams - The Meeting was a Meeting of
delegates from the several Chartist lodges -
He thinks there must have been forty or fifty
present - He left before the meeting broke
up and went home - About 6 o'Clock he
went again to the Coach & Horses - the Meeting
had then broke up - Frost came out of the

[*? Willia/ms/]

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parlour, and asked him if he could have a bed at
witness House, & witness said he might though the
accommodation would not be very good - Frost then
returned to the parlour & when witness left he
came out and went home with witness - it was then
between 9 & 10 o'Clock - They had no particular
conversation that night but the next day Frost
told him he was going to take the Men down to
Newport on Sunday night, & every man that would
go under his direction would be rewarded for it
afterwards - He said the Meeting of the day before was
a delegate Meeting and that it had been then
agreed that the men should go to Newport - He
said the Men were to come armed [?]in whatever
way they could - They were to go to Newport and
take the Arms at the workhouse - When they got
to Stow Hill they were to give three cheers which would
so frighten the Mayor that he would die in his bed
and it would produce such an effect in the
Soldiers that they would throw down their Arms
and he would take possession of the Town
and stop the Mail for Birmingham - at which
place there would be delegates in waiting, who
would if the Mail did not get there in [?]hour
and a half, consider that as a signal to do the
same as he was going to do at Newport, and then

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by that means the Charter would be made the law of
the land - That a person came to his Witness House[*]
on Saturday with Wm Davis - Davis told Frost there
was a person out of doors who wanted to speak with
him and Frost went out after remaining
out about 20 Minutes he came into the House again
with a Stranger - Who he said was a Man from
the North - The man delivered two letters to Frost
which Frost read to himself and then destroyed.
He said the Man was a delegate from the North - /…/
Frost told him he must go to Newport that night
and [?]togo on from thence to
Monmouth that night and Frost assisted him with
money - Frost said if he did not go that night the
Mail would be stopped on the following day
and he would not be able to go on - Frost
told the Stranger what they were going to do
and the Stranger said he should go back and
tell the people in his district that Frost had taken
Newport and that it was time for them to
begin- Frost went out with that person
and returned again from 9 to 10 o'Clock & slept
at his House - Heard Frost say he should send a
Company of them to take the powder Magazine
& the arms at Tredegar House - which he could
convert into a Barrack - Just as things

[* ?this / the witness' house]

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