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Reg[in]a v[ersus] David Jones
the Tinker
Mary Williams abiding with servant to
David Thomas of Newbridge Inn in the Parish
of Monythusloyne says - On Monday morning
the 4th November about 3 O'clock my mother's
house was full of people - David the Tinker
whom I have known for 9 or 10 years came to
me & asked for a jug of beer which I gave him
he did not pay me for it at the time - he went
from me into the Bar & I heard him say I have
paid for this jug of Beer - He then went into
the Tap room & addressing himself to the people
said Now my Boys let's down drink & be off - He
went out & most of the people followed
him - He had something in his hand but
I don't know what - The first lot came in
at 8 O'clock that night they said all they
wanted was men and arms -
About 10 O'clock we went to bed - & had not been in
Bed half an hour before we heard a knocking
at the door - We did not get up until between 12
& One when we opened the door & the house was
full directly - One man who had a gun in
his hand enquired of me whether there was

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A Stamp mark showing Newport Public Reference Libraries

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any gun in the house - I told him no -
[on right half of page:-] Mary Williams X her mark

[on left hand side of page:-]Witness J.W.E.

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Reg[in]a v[ersus] David Jones
the Tinker

Evidence of Mary
Serv[an]t at Newbridge Inn

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