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Jacob Thomas States - I am a Shop
keeper at Maes-y-Cwmmur
in the parish of Bedwas in this County - I know
Lewis Rowland - the prisoner is the man - I know
William Smith of the Angel [public house] - there was a Chartist
Lodge there - Lewis Rowland was the Clerk - I
did not join the Lodge but I did give him some
money - I did not take a Card - the Angel is
at Maes y Cwmmur - I remember being at the Angel
at one of those meetings on the Friday night before
the Riots - I think it was Nov[embe]r 1st - I won't be sure
but I think so- Lewis Rowland was there - he was
writing - I can't say what he did write - it was on
paper - I did see a Copy Book on the Table
before him - he did say about providing some arms -
Lewis Rowland the prisoner spoke in Welsh - he said
he wished every body to provide themselves with arms
Something like arms, Mandrils or the handles of
Mandrils or something like that - I asked him
before the others what he wanted with Arms - He
said that every person may face his enemy - I
said that such things were not wanted and for
there to be peaceable - Then he said addressing
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