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Regina v[ersu]s John Thomas William Parfitt Powell of
Newport Surgeon and Special Constable
I was sent for on
Monday Morn[in]g about 9 o'clock
to assist a Man who was wounded
in the thigh by a bullet.
The Prisoner came after me
I took my staff with me on
the way I asked Pris[one]r if there
were any Chartists in the neighbourhood
of the House I was going to
as it may not be prudent
to shew it & I had no pocket to put
it into. He said I had better
throw it into the Canal. I said
no I will leave it at a House
I left it at Byers' the Grocers
I went with Pris[one]r to the House
of Jacob Jenkins and was shewn
into a Room where I saw a Man
laying upon the bed with a
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Gunshot wound in his thigh. His
name was John Lovell. After
dressing the wound I was leaving
the House when I observed a Gun standing
by the door in a Corner. I at first
intended to take it but tho[ugh]t it more
prudent not to do so not knowing
who might be in the House
I went out to try to get some one to assist
me to take the bullet out without success
I went out 2 or 3 times and returned
pretending to give some
fresh directions about the Wounded
Man. I saw a Butcher and others,
whom I wanted to go with
me but they refused I afterwards
went myself determined to take
it but it was gone. When I
went into the House after I left
the first time ^ and when I went in afterwards the Prisoner
stood in the Corner before the
Gun to conceal it. He must
have noticed that I observed it.
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I went the same night to the
Pris[one]rs House to search for the
Gun but we co[ul]d not find it
We did not find any Arms in the
House. The Pris[one]rwas stated to
have been one of the Rioters
& I took him into custody
Jenkins told me the Pris[one]r had taken
away the Gun from his House.
[centre page:-] W[illia]m Parfitt Powell
Micah Jenkins of Newport
Boot & Shoe Maker says I live in
Market House Lane in Newport I was
at home on Monday morn[in]g the 4th Nov[embe]r
Inst[ant]. I was getting up about 9 O'clock
when a person told me the Chartists
were in Town I went to the door &
heard great shouting & firing I went
inside & told my Wife of it I came
to the Door the second time when
John Lovell the Gardener was
being brought up in the middle
of [the] Street between two men.
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I knew John Lovell. I always
understood him to be a Chartist.
He appeared wounded and blood
running down his leg. He asked
me for Gods sake to let him come
in to have his wounds dressed
One of the men that came with Lovell
was one [blank space] Thomas and one other by
the name of John ...[? see note*] a
Lath Grinder I allowed John Lovell
to be brought in & sent up Thomas
for a Surgeon. Mr. Powell came down
& exam[ine]d the wound I saw a Gun
bro[ugh]t into the House when Lovell
was bro[ugh]t in. I understood it was
Lovells Gun. I heard some of the
people who came say so I asked
if it was loaded they said yes. I
told of it & took the charge
out it was loaded with one Ball
& a percussion Cap on which I took
off. The Gun was placed in the corner
by the Door I asked to whom it belonged
as I wanted it removed. It was
taken away by 7 o'clock in the Eve[nin]g.
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