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Herbert Williams sworn says I am a Chemist and Druggist residing in Commercial Street
in the Town of Newport about Two hundred yards from the Westgate Inn between Nine and Ten
o'clock on Monday morning the Forth November Instant I was standing near Mr. Mullocks
House about Fifty yards from the front of the Westgate Inn the first I saw was the Mob which
came in front of the Westgate from Stow Hill they came as far as the Gates entering the Stable
Yard they retreated a few yards and then I heard the firing commence I saw in about five
minutes after the mob had dispersed a man with a Wooden Leg, he had a Gun in his hand
I saw him immediately opposite the window of Mr. Ambly's House [*] which is the next
door to the Westgate Inn, I did not see him do anything with his Gun I did not see him use
the Gun in any way I saw him a second Time in about Ten minutes having lost sight of
him the first time when I saw him the first time there were Eight or Ten people with him I
saw one of the persons who were with him load his Gun and fire at the Westgate window
when I saw him a second time I was standing at my own House, he was then passing
down the Street from the Westgate from that direction he had then a Gun in his hand he was
going very quickly he had a light coloured dress similar to fustian that had been in use
more than a Month I did not notice his dress very particularly. I noticed the man more
than the dress I did not notice his hat I have seen him since I saw him first since this -
morning. When I first saw him this morning the only doubt I had about him his dress being
different but on looking at the man I had not the slightest doubt about him Looking at
the prisoner now I have not the Slightest doubt that he is the man I have been speaking
about and who I saw on the Fourth November last.
Herbert Williams
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